Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Finally, News!

I arrived at my host family some time ago, but they really hadn't done much. I was beginning to wonder if this had actually been a kidnapping plot and they were cutting up magazines to send a ransom note back to my flock. But yesterday I discovered why we haven't been out boxing yet. You see, the jacks family has been preparing for their annual garage sale. I went out to have a look and even helped carve a stamp available to any boxer who comes by the sale, in honor of Cub’s recent accident. You see, Cub is jacks son and he started his summer vacation by breaking his arm. That created some excitement in the house, let me tell you!

While looking around the garage sale chaos I was delighted to see what I thought was a boxing buddy gathering of some kind. I insisted my picture be taken with a large group of friends. To my horror, however, I learned these were not boxing buddies, but stuffed animals, destined for the driveway on Friday morning with price tags on them!

Well…. not only did I high-tail it out of that pile, I encouraged some of my new friends to do the same. I told them all about the good life of a boxing buddy (at least, what I have heard so far, not being able to speak much from experience at this point) and how I would help them enjoy it as well. A dozen animals followed me from the depths of the pile (it is also my mission to keep an eye on all the others on Friday morning to make sure they make it to good homes) and are now up for adoption!

1 comment:

The Yorkshire Tortoise said...

Well saved Doyle, a real knight in shining armour! Thank goodness you came along.